If latest news reports are to be believed, then IIM is planning to scrap Group Discussion (GD) and replace it with written ability test (WAT). It is also expected that IIM may be using older scores for admissions to IIMs.

Time Constraints and Writing Ability :

Essay writing has garnered immense importance as far as IIM’s admission criteria is concerned. However, one underlying concern for essay writing is time limit. When a student writes an essay to gain admission to a leading B-school, the key focus will be on managing time. Getting Mentored or trained by IIM alumni is  one way to perform better in Written Ability Test (WAT).
There are some facts that need to well adhered to by the prospective student when writing the writing test or the essay.  As a potential business student, you have likely spent your recent few years in a typical corporate environment which is known for its terminology and jargon. Students should keep in mind  that they are writing for readers who has not been a part of the firm’s meetings or contributed significantly to the company products.
Students have to necessarily describe the different parameters of their professional life. It could be career trajectory, leadership skills, emerging triumphant from obstacles and similar situations. However, it is equally important that you put this information in a language that is accessible and well understood by the reader. For example, you can consider that you are putting up a document for a client who will decide whether to invest in a specific product or not. Thus, the focus should be in writing personally and clearly.
If you are a novice, you can opt for commonly used language which you have used in your school or college days instead of using jargons you found out during a conversation with any of your colleague and friend who is in the corporate world now.

Never bore the reader :

Admission staff and officers have to go through countless essays and they are often required to skim. Abstract pondering certainly have no place of worth in an essay written for securing an admission. Admission officers never look for a new lens to see the world. Rather, they look for a new way to view the forthcoming student.
One proven way of attracting the reader’s attention is starting the essay with an enchanting snapshot.

Use your personal details :

A well-written essay is grounded and concrete in touching personal details. However, this does not merely mean you include stories with a moral ‘I learnt a tough lesson’ or ‘This lesson proved beneficial both on and off the field’. Use your personal details to paint a picture and not just narrate your experience.  You can use your personal details to establish a connection with a personal quality. Express your personal experience without simply asserting it.
A well-written essay is comprised of different sentence lengths stuffed effortlessly in any paragraph of the essay. Also, prospective students should keep in mind that transitions between paragraphs or lines is not always restricted to words like consequently, furthermore or nevertheless. A good transition will flow from the writer’s natural thoughts as they progress during the course of the agreement.