Top 5 Reasons to Switch to CyanogenMod

cyanogenmod-droid- thats my top 10

  Many of you must already be familiar with ‘cyanogen mod’. In india people are very particular of their warranty given on the phone from the respective OEMs and fear to try something like the Cyanogenmod which is on it’s way to become a household name, especially post the release of the micromax phones with …

Cyanomax – Collaboration of Cyanogen and Micromax

Cyanogen and Micromax collaboration

Cyanomax, this may sound weird, no! it is not a typo and no, it is not a new version of a custom rom. What it is, is a kind of collaboration between Cyanogen and Micromax. Let me refresh your mind about ‘Cyanogen’ (The geeks would definately not need this). Cyanogen, are aftermarket mods that are …

Windows 10: Quick Installation and Updates


Windows 10! At last the time has come to test this Windows 10 so what’s the point on holding up now? we should try out the beta version that is accessible in Internet.   How about catching things up Right away you will require a Pendrive to carry out the process, and after that go for the beta …

Top 10 Reasons to Shift to Windows Bandwagon

Windows phone - Thats My Top 10

With the likes of Samsung, HTC and Sony pushing android at such cut throat level, it’s unlikely that one would choose to go with a Windows phone. Windows mobile have been around since the year 2000 and is slowly evolved over time. Here are the visual improvement over 3 years since 2000.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – #GapGate

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 GapGate - Thats My Top 10

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – The ‘GAP’ to be ‘NOTE’d Since this month of September was supposed to be the month of new releases and launch, everyone wants their launch and release events to be as smooth as possible, sadly this didn’t quite work out for Apple. The full blow out about the iPhone 6 …

Google Android L Release Date and Nexus

lion - Android L release date

So the wait will finally come to an end as Google has given details of the next version of android known as Android L, but rumors suggest another nestle partnership could result in the OS names Android Lion. Here’s what you need to know about the release date. First things first. It’s unclear if the …