Hi Clashers, I bet you have searched for “how to get free gems on clash of clans“, “cheats for clash of clans free gems“, “glitch for clash of clans free gems“, “get free gems clash of clans“, “how to earn free gems in clash of clans“, “hacks for clash of clans“, “how to get free gems for clash of clans” or “clash of clans gem hack“. Clash of Clans free hacks and free gem cheat codes are more of scams making you waste your time by forcing you to take surveys.

I have searched for many ways too to get a few free clash of clans gems but ended up downloading stupid software promising me free gems but in vain. But I did find something that actually gave an opportunity to earn credits and redeem them to buy Clash of Clans Gems and yes it can be termed as FREE GEMS since you just download an app, use it for like 30 secs and boom you are credited certain amount of points. Do not that this is a slow process, but what the hell its free. 😀

Please note: This only works on Android or iOs devices and NOT on laptops / desktops.

Let me take you step by step on how to use FreeMyApps :

10 - CopyYou can read the post first and download the app at the end of this post… if not Click Here to download .

[Yes, I do earn some points for referral] It will take you to the site to download the app on your mobile.

Free-My-Apps-Main- Thats My Top 10

10 - CopyOnce on the website, Click on iOs or Android device depending on which device you are using.

Free My Apps-Click-here - Thats My Top 10

  • If on an Android device you will be taken to Google Play Store prompting you to install the app. Do it.


  • If on an Apple device, you will be prompted to change your settings. Hit “Verify Settings” and you will be redirected to FreeMyApps, DO NOT CLOSE the tab or all progress will be lost.


FreeMyApps Verify-Settiing- Thats My Top 10

10 - CopyNow, you will be able to see a list of apps on your screen. In order to get credits, download any app from the list and run it for a minimum of 30 seconds.

Free My Apps - Thats My Top 10

10 - Copy

Congratulations, You just earned your first of many credits [Do keep patient as it may take some time to reflect your credit earned. I always got my credits within 10 mins],

Keep doing so till you have enough credits to redeem it for an iTunes Gift cards or Google Play gift cards, ultimately using them to get your FREE CLASH OF CLANS GEMS.

FreeMyApps-Credits - Thats My Top 10

10 - Copy

After redeeming your card the money will be transferred to your iTunes or Google Wallet account. Now go to Clash of Clans and buy those hard earned gems.

Now you can Click the below image to download the app. 🙂


Clash of Clans Free Gems - Thats My Top 10



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