What is Pap Smear Test, Preparation and Risk?


What is Pap Smear Test, Preparation and Risk? What is Pap Smear Test ? The Papanicolaou test, or Pap smear, is an examination of a sample of cells from your cervix (the entrance to the uterus, located at the inner end of the vagina) to check for cervical cancer. This cancer is caused by infection …

6 Basic Post Pregnancy Workouts

Post Pregnancy Workouts and Tips

It’s easy to get back into shape after having a baby with these 6 Basic Post Pregnancy Workouts. We all know every pregnancy and delivery is different and woman’s body goes through a lot during the procedure and it will continue to do so in coming months. After having a baby, your life will never …

10 Perks of Being a Young Mom

Top 10 Perks of Being a Young Mom - Thats My Top 10

Becoming a mother at the early age is surely not the thing which is celebrated by many women. In fact, when they see those two pink lines the first few thoughts cross their mind are, what about my job, my career, my plans and…… the list just goes on! But what they fail to realize …

Top 10 Heart Healthy Diets

Oatmeal - Heart Healthy Diet

The diet of a heart patient or a person that wants to take complete care of his heart should be composed of food that is rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, phytochemical as well as antioxidants. The diet must also be very low in Trans as well as saturated fats. In addition to a healthy diet, …