Top 10 Pet Care tipsOh puppies and kitties — such adorable little things. So adorable that you forget it takes patience and energy to actually take care of them. Your kids also forget that after begging and bargaining with your for weeks on end about adopting that awesome German Shepherd or that fetching Scottish Fold, they need to take the time to feed, bathe, and groom their dog or their cat. These things ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy throughout his time with you.Clearly, it isn’t as simple as ABC to take care of a pet, whether it’s a dog or a cat. It’s a good thing you can get expert medical help from your vet. Launceston residents may get more with these Top 10 Important Pet Care Tips to keeping pets healthy and happy.

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A Puppy pre-school

Consider a puppy pre-school for your beloved pooch. Puppy pre-schools can help your new pet steer clear of behavioral problems as well as help them engage with other pups.



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Micro-chipping pets

Micro-chipping your pets would be a sound idea. In most areas, like Tasmania, it is a legal requirement to have pets micro-chipped and registered with the local council. This helps you locate your lost dog or cat quicker than if they only had ID tags around their necks.



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Pet Bed

Make sure your pets have a corner of their own. Pick a spot in your home that is warm, quiet, and away from drafts. Their beddings should also be washed regularly to prevent ticks and fleas.



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Grooming your pets

Brushing your pets is good for them. Brushing helps dogs and cats minimize shedding; less hairballs for your kitties.



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Pet Skin Care

Take extra precaution with pets that have white coats and less pigmentation. Dalmatians, Boxers, Bull Terriers, Stafford-shire Bull Terriers, Crested Dogs, Chinese Hairless, and white cats are at risk for skin inflammation, skin cancer, and skin infections. Enquire with an animal hospital (Launceston, specifically) about sunscreen protection for your pets.



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Foods to avoid

Remember these things that are bad for your dogs and cats. Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, poultry bones, salt, salty foods, and unripe fruit — check with your vet about other things you’re not supposed to give your pet.



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The Workout

Never forget to exercise your pets. It stimulates their minds, gives their bodies a workout, keeps them away from boredom, and prevents them from getting into destructive mischief. So walk your dogs and play with your cats.



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Bathing them

You can bathe your cat. Always ideal to start when she’s young, so she won’t be rudely surprised when you give her a rinse in the sink. Do schedule the bath time when she’s absolutely laid-back, and make sure to trim off claws — just to be on the safe side.



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The Vaccine Shots

Get your pets vaccinated. It could save his life. Vaccinations can prevent diseases, giving your pet (especially the young ones) much needed protection against rabies, hepatitis, parvovirus, and various fatal diseases. If you are at Launceston, the Launceston vet clinic will guide you when your pets should be vaccinated.



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Spay them

The most important of all is spaying and neutering. Spaying and neutering can help your pets. You might not have known it, until now, but spaying (for females) your pet can remove the risk of an infected uterus while neutering (for males) can eliminate the possibility of prostate and testicular diseases, and certain types of hernias; it may also prevent your dog from being too aggressive.



About the Author:

Sam Buddy is a pet owner, a freelance writer and occasionally writes for He is very much connected to his pet dog and keeps learning and sharing contents that are useful for him and other pet owners.

