An Overview of DOEACC Certified Programs

An Overview of DOEACC Certified Programs

The article sheds light on various certification programs offered by DOEACC. Read on to find details about different levels of courses and eligibility criteria for various programs. Here is an overview of DOEACC Certified Programs. An autonomous body, the Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC), works under the patronage of Indian Ministry …

Top 10 Best Smartphone under 10000 INR

Top 10 Best Smartphones under 10000 | Thats My Top 10 | Mobiles Under 10000

Top 10 Best Smartphone under 10000 INR Mobile phones have become a very important part of our human life. Mobiles rather tahn being an accessory have become a necessity. Be it for watching a movie when travelling alone, listening to beautiful songs of your favourite genre, surfing something online for buying/ shopping or be just …

Royal Enfield Classic 350 Review & Price

Royal Enfield Classic 350 Review & Price First of all, I’m not one of those pro riders who go on a long-distance ride every 3 or 6 months or even on every weekends. Royal Enfield Classic 350 is the first motorcycle I ever rode on. Since Royal Enfield motorcycles are becoming famous day-by-day and their …

Sonia Gandhi Disrespecting Former PM Manmohan Singh?


We all have heard the excellent speech that our former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh recently gave in the parliament on demonetaization. He expressed his views on how the demonetaization is currently affecting and will affect everyone on the long run. No one doubts his knowledge in Economy and profession as Economist and bureaucrat but I simply could …

Turret Fusion – Review


Hello Namaste Salaam, This is the first of many mobile game reviews to come. I do expect your feedback on the review since this is just the beginning. The first game that I will be reviewing is called “Turret Fusion” by Shark Jump. Turrent Fusion Review. If you like playing tower games this will be …

What is Pap Smear Test, Preparation and Risk?


What is Pap Smear Test, Preparation and Risk? What is Pap Smear Test ? The Papanicolaou test, or Pap smear, is an examination of a sample of cells from your cervix (the entrance to the uterus, located at the inner end of the vagina) to check for cervical cancer. This cancer is caused by infection …